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Field walks to demonstrate good irrigation practices in the Murray Darling


Field walks to demonstrate good irrigation practices in the Murray Darling


The concept for the irrigation field walks was for growers to come together and to learn from each other. A consultant was present at the field walks to fill in the gaps and to get the questions and discussions progressing. The field walk was organised by Winegrape Industry Development Officer, Susan Byrne; viticulture consultant was, Ross Polglase. Ross began the field walk with a formal presentation, which set the scene for the day. After the presentation we visited two local vineyards. Only a loose agenda was set for the field walk, the idea being that growers would choose the topic direction based on the questions and discussion that arose on the day. Growers were encouraged to actively participate in information sharing rather than relying totally on Ross. This approach fostered co-learning between the growers.

Topics discussed included soil moisture monitoring equipment, interpreting and using soil moisture monitoring data, correct interpretation of the visual symptoms of water stress, using historical records of the vineyard, knowledge of the soil type and RAW (Readily Available Water) values, an understanding of the different water requirements of vines at different growth stages, and being able to amalgamate data from numerous sources.

The project aimed to help growers in their irrigation practices, ensuring an improvement in water use efficiency. If growers were able to improve their water use efficiency through applying the right amount of water at the right time, reduced water use may result. This may mean a reduction in pumping costs, water charges as well as reduced drainage. Improved irrigation efficiency may result in surplus irrigation water, which may be used for further development or sale. Crop productivity may also be increased by irrigating the vines with the right amount at the right time, which could result in better payment for fruit.

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