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Development of a diagnostic protocol for Flavescence dorée phytoplasma (FDp)


Grapevine yellows (GY) diseases have been reported in most viticultural regions worldwide and these diseases are associated with at least 12 different phytoplasmas species. Flavescence dorée disease, which is associated with Flavescence dorée phytoplasma (FDp), is considered one of the most economically important diseases in European viticulture as it is associated with significant loss in production in many grape varieties. Significant losses due to FD disease are often associated with the incidence of Scaphoideus titanus, which lives and feeds solely on grapevine and is the primary vector of FDp.


Flavescence dorée, which is associated with Flavescence dorée phytoplasma (FDp), is a grapevine yellows (GY) disease that occurs in many countries throughout Europe. This disease is considered one of the most economically important diseases in European viticulture as it is associated with significant loss in production and FDp is a controlled pathogen in many European viticultural regions. FDp does not occur in Australia and this phytoplasma is a high priority pest under the industry biosecurity plan for the Australian viticulture industry. GY diseases are associated with at least 12 different phytoplasmas worldwide. GY diseases, including Flavescence dorée, can be visually identified on the basis of symptoms but, as all GY diseases display very similar symptoms, these cannot be used to identify specific phytoplasmas that may be present. GY identification of the specific phytoplasma associated with GY disease requires molecular testing using PCR. The Subcommittee on Plant Health Diagnostic Standards (SPHDS) enhance Australia’s biosecurity by facilitating the development of reliable diagnostic protocols for priority plant pests. Protocols are developed against SPHDS Reference Standard 2 – Development of Diagnostic Protocols – Technical Procedures, which are consistent with International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) guidelines for the development of diagnostic protocols.

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