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Develop a waste stream strategy (for solid waste) for the Riverina wine industry as a model for sustainable practices in all regions


Develop a waste stream strategy (for solid waste) for the Riverina wine industry as a model for sustainable practices in all regions


During consultation with the winemakers of the Riverina, it was established the industry wanted to examine ways of improving the day-to-day challenge of managing inorganic solid waste. In a local industry that produces nearly 5,000 tonnes of solid waste (as at November 2005) that can be directly sent to landfill, improved environmental management recommendations were considered essential and achievable goals for the industry. This also complemented the objectives in the Australian Wine Industry’s Environment Strategy entitled ‘Sustaining Success’ which was published in 2002 and which had come to the attention of the Riverina winemakers through their employment of an Environmental Project Officer in 2005.

The Solid Waste Management project was broken up into a timetable covering 18-months with the ultimate goal of developing group strategies for sustainable environmental practices. Working through the action plan (see Appendix 3a), an audit/survey (see Appendix 3b) of mass balances of inorganic solid waste was completed (see Appendix 3c). The total figures gave us a number of 2130 tonnes, or the equivalent of 106 semi trailers, of solid waste which could be diverted from landfill at a cost of $150,000. By using these figures alternative solutions for the management of the waste were sought.

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