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Characterisation of wine avoiders and how to transition avoiders to consumers in the Australian, Canadian, US, UK and Indian markets


For too long, wine companies have been promoting their wine brands to customers who already consume wine. Although important, this results in cannibalisation of brands and sharing the existing number of consumers amongst different wine companies. This report outlines that a large number of people who currently drink alcohol but avoid wine are actually aspirational about drinking wine. Recommendations are provided to assist businesses to reach these new customers, including where consumers do not like the taste. The discovery of new wine customers around the world is one of the most exciting of the last decade. The full report is available to Australian grape and wine research R&D levy payers by emailing Anne Duncan at


Key Messages A substantial number of people who drink alcohol, have an interest in drinking wine, but choose not to. The reasons behind this wine avoidance were similar across countries except India. Wine consumers also avoid wine on some occasions; this would tend to indicate that actions designed for wine avoiders may also help wine consumers. The chief reasons for avoiding wine included: o difficulty making a choice, o taste, o stereotypes; and o adverse health concerns (e.g. allergies, bad hangover). Exposure to wine significantly increased liking, even where the exposure was to a diluted wine (wine plus soda water); this effect should be further investigated. Taken together, these findings demonstrate the size of the potential market, readiness for consumers to change and industry’s ability to meet requirements.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.