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Understanding consumer perceptions of trust mark claims for Australian wine and subsequent purchase behaviour in multiple countries


The project objectives were to measure the importance of wine quality, wine style, sustainability, traceability, and quality control for Australia and key competing wine producing countries; and to assess the impact of regional and environmental  communications in wine retail stores on sales of premium Australian wines.


The project consisted of two partially related subprojects, one overseas and one domestic. The aim of the first overseas part was to test associations consumers in different target markets have with Australian wines compared to wines from key competing origins. The image of Australian wines was very positive regarding value for money, quality, drinkability, and environment. A few limitations were observed regarding a high carbon footprint and a limited perceived suitability for special occasions. The importance of potential trust mark claims for quality control, environmental sustainability and traceability were measured in key export markets. Across all markets quality control had some importance, but environment and traceability are largely unimportant to consumers.

These results suggest that promoting wine with a trust mark based quality control, environmental sustainability and traceability would only have a marginal impact on consumer choice. At the same time a strategy change at Wine Australia shifted the focus more towards the domestic market and strategies to position and market premium Australian wines at higher price points. It was therefore decided for the second phase to focus on testing regional and environmental non-price promotions in Australia.

This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.