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Scoping a Grapevine FACE facility workshop


A workshop was held to scope the usefulness of a facility to elevate carbon dioxide levels and simulate the conditions likely to occur with climate change. It had been suggested that such a facility, known as a FACE, which stands for "free air carbon dioxide enrichment" could be used to provide information about the responses of grapevines to climate change and inform grape growers about appropriate management.


Several people with experience in environmental adjustments for scientific study made contributions about the different FACE models available, the use of field-based chambers, the interpretation of data generated and the complex interactions which should be taken into account. There was valuable sharing of information (at the international as well as national levels) and particular interest was shown in the experiences the SA Research and Development Institute has had with chambers.

The consensus was that it would be worthwhile considering a FACE system with a mechanism to elevate temperature.

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