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Riverland grape industry strategic plan


Riverland grape industry strategic plan


Representatives of Grapegrowers and Winemakers in the Riverland have agreed to the need for the creation of a Riverland Wine Industry Development Council comprising equal representatives of growers and winemakers, funded in equal part by growers and winemakers.

Both parties support an approach to the South Australian government to use the provisions of the Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act 1998 to collect revenues for the RWIDC. Grapegrowers propose that an amount of $0.35cents/tonne be collected from all grapegrowers (including winery grown fruit), matched equally by Winemakers. A total industry contribution of 70 cents/tonne would generate a pool of funds for the establishment and operation of the IDC.

Winemakers have expressed concern that the proposed rate of levy will not generate sufficient funds to effectively tackle the programs identified for action.

As part of an industry reform package, grapegrowers are seeking the establishment of a representative body (the Riverland Wine Grapegrowers Association) with funding provided through the statutory contribution provisions. Growers are proposing a total grower contribution of $1 per tonne with 65 cents allocated to the Grower body and 35 cent allocated to the Development Council. Wineries are opposed to the use of the statutory provisions for funding of the RGCA, but have indicated they are prepared to collect a voluntary levy on the basis that they write to growers stating that they will collect the levy unless the grower objects in writing.

This report recommends that the Riverland Wine Industry Development Council be created as a matter of urgency and that the funding be facilitated through the Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act 1998.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.