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Presentation of rootstock sodium exclusion findings at Salt and Water Stress in Plants, and IWPMB 2016


The purpose of this report is to summarise the outcomes of a Wine Australia travel grant. Additional funding support was provided by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology.


The main activities that were supported by this grant were participation in two international conferences and one national conference. At these meetings, data were presented that describe the genetic mapping and functional characterisation of genes involved in sodium exclusion in grapevine rootstocks. These data have been generated from a collaborative project between CSIRO Agriculture and the University of Adelaide. The participation in these meetings allowed for useful discussions and novel experimental ideas to be gained, which will assist the future development of this project and publication of our data. Highlights from the meetings are discussed, and any additional formats that were used to disseminate research findings are also mentioned.

  • A collaborative project between researchers at the University of Adelaide and CSIRO Agriculture is investigating sodium exclusion in Vitis species.
  • Wine Australia provided travel support for participation and presentation of data at Salt and Water Stress in Plants, and the 17th International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology in 2016.
  • These meetings are two leading conference in their fields that promote discussion and the exchange of ideas among researchers.
  • Participation enabled valuable insights to be gained from leading researchers in the field, and also provided an excellent professional development opportunity.
  • Research findings were also presented to Australian audiences via the Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference in Adelaide, ComBio2017 in Brisbane, as well as internal seminars within the Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology.
  • Attendance at these meetings was beneficial and will expedite and enhance the preparation of a high quality manuscript that describes our research findings to date.
  • Wine Australia is gratefully acknowledged for helping support this opportunity.

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