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Knowledge Development and Management from Topical Research & Development


Modules comprising PowerPoint presentations, fact sheets, technical notes and, in some cases, video animations were developed from Wine Growing Futures research outcomes.


Spring Vine Health Field Day (SVHFD) workshops have been run in NSW for the past 4 seasons. The philosophy has been to run a regional workshop before the onset of each season to prepare the industry for the upcoming season. To ensure that the content of workshops is relevant to individual regions, the region is surveyed at the completion of the previous season’s (SVHFD) and again prior to the season. Results of these surveys are then used by extension staff and regional representatives to develop the field day in conjunction with NWGIC research staff to ensure that existing networks are used to source the most relevant information and expertise nationally. Workshops have been extremely popular and well attended. Typical workshop programs can be found in the final reports (Appendix A1.1) along with the evaluation form used on the day to obtain feedback and to begin to plan for next season’s field day. Fifteen Spring Vine Health Field Day (SVHFD) workshops were held over two consecutive seasons (2011/12 and 2012/13) in the following regions: Riverina Hunter Valley Mornington Peninsula Granite Belt (SE QLD) Murrumbateman Limestone Coast Sunraysia Tumbarumba Mt Barker Margaret River Mudgee

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.