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Grapevine night-time transpiration and refill as their capacity to recover from water stress


This project partially financed a trip to Italy mainly to attend a conference in
Volterra (8th International Workshop on Sap Flow sensors). After the conference,
trips were made to Padova, Legnaro and Conegliano to visit researchers and The
University of Padova.


Latest research on nocturnal sap flow and night-time transpiration in grapevines were presented at the 8th International Symposium of Sap Flow in Volterra Italy.

Specifically two papers were presented with the help of this grant, one in grapevines and the second in Almonds. The trip was used also to establish potential research collaborations between scientists from Italy and The University of Adelaide working in micrometeorology and plant physiology in viticulture to understand the energy, water and CO2 balances in commercial vineyards. Collaborations with scientists from Chile also resulted in the visit of Dr Carlos Poblete Echeverria to The University of Adelaide in September 2011.

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