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Global market characteristics (An analytical framework for export market characteristics)


The Global Market Characteristics project has increased the knowledge available to the Australian wine industry through an integrated approach to global wine intelligence gathering and analysis


Central to this project was collaborative resourcing, by the Wine Australia and the AWBC, of knowledge development in the Australian wine sector. It recognises that each of the partners has overlapping characters in the area of knowledge development and that collaboration can achieve greater efficiencies and leverage of sector funds. The project was proposed in order to expand the domestic-focussed knowledge development activities available prior to this project into a global focus. The project funding enabled AWBC to acquire a range of data covering a broad range of sales performances and need-to-know factors influencing sales in Australia’s major markets. In addition, competitor activity was analysed and consumer purchasing characteristics examined. This coincided with the development of the Directions to 2025 strategy.

Analysis of the data enabled the identification of target opportunities for Australian wine. For the first time, reports containing in-depth analysis of market prospects and opportunities were prepared for eleven of Australia’s top fifteen markets – that accounted for just over 90% of Australia’s export volumes. These publications, called Market Insight Reports, were delivered to AWBC levy-payers and national industry organisations and executive summaries were made available in the public-domain when Directions was launched in May 2007. Reports for Australia’s priority emerging markets; China, South Korea and Russia, were delivered in October 2008. Further reports were released in 2008 and 2009

This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.