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Developing the leadership capacity of Australia’s wine industry


The Wine Industry Leadership Program was a three-year project funded by Wine Australia and DPI Victoria. It aimed to increase the number of skilled, networked people in the wine industry at a regional level and to encourage diversity in industry decision-making.


Developing the leadership capacity of Australia’s wine industrywas co-funded by Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation and the Department of Primary Industries Victoria in 2006-2009 to increase the number of potential leaders in the wine industry at a regional level. It aimed to reach particularly women and young people who are currently under represented in leadership roles within the industry. Cynthia Mahoney (DPI Victoria) and Jill Briggs from Rural Training Initiatives Pty Ltd developed and delivered the leadership program nationally, which consisted of a three day workshop and participant coaching. Cynthia and Jill drew on their academic qualifications in leadership and rural adjustment, training in facilitation and extension and many years of experience to create a program using adult learning principles. The three day program was called the Wine Industry Leadership Program. Initially the program was to conclude with a national summit but after consultation between the funding bodies, the national summit was no longer seen as a priority.

To enhance both the diversity of participants and regional networking, the program was centrally located within each region. Nine programs were run at eight locations nationally in Griffith, South Adelaide, North Adelaide, Margaret River, Hunter Valley, Attwood, Central Victoria and North East Victoria. The program successfully achieved its stated aim to attract participants who had different experience and characteristics to the current leadership demographic in the wine industry. Participants were mostly less than 40 years old, with a range of job roles and represented an even gender split.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.