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Determination of Key Aroma Compounds in Australian Rosé Wine


The 9th In Vino Analytica Scientia Symposium was held in Trentino Alto Adige (Italy) from 14th to 17th July 2015. Approximately 250 registered delegates representing more than 30 countries attended the conference. The conference covered up-to-date knowledge on excellence in analytical science of grapes, wines and spirits: • Chemical analysis and composition of grapes, wines and spirits (2 sessions) • Chemical and biochemical reactions • Metabolomics, Chemometrics and Authenticity of products • Sensory analysis The travel grant provided by AGWA allowed Mr Jiaming Wang to attend the IVAS 2015 conference and present the poster presentation titled “Comprehensive study on Australian dry rosé wines – characterisation of chemical and sensory profiles”. The grant also gave Mr Wang the opportunity to visit two laboratories in Europe, being those of Professor Rémi Schneider’s group in Montpellier, France, and Professor Vicente Ferreira’s group in Zaragoza, Spain. The travel inspired Mr Wang by connecting with great minds, helped him develop professional networks and allowed for the formulation of more ideas about his research.


Mr Jiaming Wang, a PhD candidate at the University of Adelaide, received an AGWA travel grant in order to attend the 9th IVAS 2015 conference, held in Trento, Italy. The conference was held throughout 14th – 17th July. Mr Wang attended the conference with a poster presentation, “Comprehensive study on Australian dry rosé wines – characterisation of chemical and sensory profiles”. The conference brought the pleasure and excitement of the continuous evolution in analytical science that inspires hundreds of researchers from all continents to gather every two years in an area renowned for the production of superb wines (to analyse and to taste) for the most up-to-date forum about excellence in analytical science of grapes, wines and spirits. Over 4 days the symposium comprised 7 keynote presentations, 30 oral presentations and 203 posters. There was also a workshop on “Metabolomics applications to the grapevine and vine knowledge – the CRI-FEM approach” that was run before the oral presentations. There were 3 side events involving a technical visit, gala dinner and post-congress tour in Alto Adige – South Tyrol. According to the book of abstracts, the themes throughout the conference involved “a continuation of a successful series of conferences. This international meeting aims to bring together researchers dedicated to the different aspects of the chemistry of wine production: even including such aspects as environmental concerns, vines, grapes, and the final products, establishing a forum to discuss and present the latest developments of Analytical Chemistry.”. Attendance at the conference resulted in obtaining new knowledge and extending networks in the field of analytical chemistry in grape, wine and spirits which may lead to collaborations in the future. The additional laboratory visits offered a great opportunity to obtain first-hand information and learn on-site, which provided a lot of inspiration and motivation for the current research project. Also, these visits offer prospects for collaborative projects in the future.

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