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Continuous Improvement (CI) and its application to Australian Viticulture – The study of CI management philosophies and their value in Australian viticulture


The objective of this report is to explore the use of Cl management philosophies, within the global viticultural and agricultural scene and to determine the effectiveness of these approaches and its suitability to Australian viticultural management. This objective will be achieved by observing primary producers actively using Cl management techniques and by observing other sectors of the economy using Cl. Other sectors of the economy will be observed to understand successful adoption strategies that are applicable to Australian viticulture. Recordings of the observations will be reviewed with reference to Australian viticultural practices and practical recommendations will be conveyed to the reader with examples and recommendations suitable to Australian viticulture.


Australian viticulture faces the challenge of building on its strong global market position, by over delivering quality grapes at world competitive prices. To achieve this objective Australian viticulture should consider adopting Continuous Improvement (CI) management philosophies, used widely and successfully, across the globe in many other sectors of the economy. If the Australian viticultural sector does not embrace change and challenge the norm, the survival of the sector will be challenging. The continuous improvement observations by the author, during the course of 2012 and 2013, highlight the following; Continuous Improvement management philosophies are very common in manufacturing, finance and value adding sectors of the economy. Extended business relationships and employee retention are paramount to business success. Multiple small continuous improvement activities, undertaken by all members of a business, are a more achievable objective than singular large actions. Continuous improvement must involve all members of the business unit and will require an investment in time and patience. Continuous improvement activities are not expensive, stressful on participants or a “new fad”. Continuous improvement philosophies should not be used to reduce labour requirements. The activity of deliberate business improvement must ensure a Planned activity, that can be done by all members of the business, Checked against predetermined measures and Acted upon based on considered deliberation (PDCA). To achieve these activities, the author recommends the following CI tools; Australian viticulture needs to adopt standard Visual Management techniques. Australian viticulture needs to use a 5 S approach within its work place. Australian viticulture needs to use Waste Identification approaches, across the sector. Australian viticulture needs to apply structured Problem Resolution Templates across the sector. The successful adoption of these tools will deliver results that will translate into handsome financial returns

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