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Attendance at the 11th International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics to present research and research lab visits


The travel described I this report allowed me attend the 11th International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics. At the conference I gave a presentation on my PhD research and met with scientists from around the world who are working in the areas of grapevine breeding and genetics.


I attended the 11th International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics in Beijing China, which ran from the 28th of July to the 2nd of August. At the conference I gave a 15-minute seminar on aspects of my PhD research. I also was able to meet with scientists from around the world who are doing research in the fields of grapevine breeding and genetics. This was the first international conference I had attended, and it gave me an opportunity to meet many scientists for the first time. During the conference I attended several seminars, which were connected to the research I am conducting as part of my PhD. I was able to find out more about their research and determine how best to approach my research. As part of the conference we were taken on a field trip to experience some Chinese wine and visit some Chinese wineries. This was an interesting experience and allowed me to understand the problems that Chinese winemakers and viticulturists are experiencing.

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