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Attendance and presentation at the 29th International Horticultural Congress 2014


Latest work lead by Dr Fuentes with collaborations with colleagues in Australia and Chile was presented at the 29th International Horticultural Congress 2014. Specifically, four oral presentations and one poster were delivered in the following symposia: • Two oral presentations at the Sustaining Lives, sub-section: Water Scarcity, Salinisation & Plant Water Relations for Optimal Production and Quality; • One oral presentation to the Production and Supply Chain symposia:sub-section: Education, Research Training & Consultancy; • One oral presentation to the Sustaining Livelihoods, sub-section 4thInternational Symposium on Tropical Wines & International Symposium on Grape and Wine Production in Diverse Regions; • One poster in the posters section with five minutes oral presentation.


Two main topics were covered in the presentation given at the Congress in Brisbane: Development and application of new tools to asses plant water status in grapevines using short range remote sensing and; Novel tools to improve the education in horticultural sciences, with emphasis in Viticulture, using Do It Yourself (DIY) kits to assess physiology and wine quality.

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