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AWRI Investment Review


This review was commissioned to evaluate the impact for the grape and wine sector of the outcomes arising from the GWRDC-AWRI Agreement in order to make recommendations for maximising value in the future and to guide any future funding.


The Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation (GWRDC) invests in research, development and extension to support a competitive Australian wine sector. The GWRDC’s funding for R&D investment comes from levies on the annual wine grape harvest, with the Australian Government matching these funds up to 0.5% of industry GVP.

The Wine Australia invests in R&D from existing providers (such as CSIRO, state agencies, universities and the Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI)) on behalf of the Australian wine industry. The investments are guided by the strategic research priorities of the Australian Government and the Australian grape and wine sector, through the Wine Australia 5 year Strategic Plan.

Currently Wine Australia invests in AWRI through a 7 year contract, the GWRDC-AWRI Investment Agreement, to deliver on a Seven Year Research, Development and Extension Plan (7-year RD&E plan). The Agreement commenced in July 2006 and will conclude in June 2013.

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