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Resetting the course for sector success | One Grape & Wine Sector Plan launch

12 Jul 2024

The One Grape & Wine Sector Plan will be launched on 2 August 2024.

The Plan is a collaborative, whole-of-sector effort, to reset the path to achieve the sector’s ambitious goals outlined in Vision 2050.

Since the development of Vision 2050, the sector has been pushed off course, facing challenges including recovery from the impacts of COVID-19, bushfires, drought, increasing operating costs, reduced returns, over supply, and trade impediments. 

Sector recalibrates the path towards Vision 2050 ambitions

While Australian Grape & Wine and Wine Australia have facilitated the development of the Plan, the Plan is the result of extensive consultation from every part of the sector. Grapegrowers, winemakers, exporters, industry associations, researchers, business and suppliers have shared their views, insights and expectations on the challenges and opportunities for the sector.

Key themes from sector feedback 

Australian Grape & Wine and Wine Australia have listened intently to feedback from the sector, with key themes including: 

  • A strong vision and action plan to reset the pathway to recovery.   
  • Stronger leadership from industry organisations.  
  • Insight into how Australian Grape & Wine and Wine Australia will implement and report progress against the Plan.
  • Guidance on actions that businesses and organisations could take reset the pathway to recovery. 
  • The need to highlight priorities for urgent action and collaboration among sector organisations.

Responding to this feedback, Australian Grape & Wine and Wine Australia have made numerous key changes to the final Plan.

Action by all will be crucial to chart path forward

The Plan will contain linkages to Vision 2050, demonstrate ambition and leadership, while providing clearer guidance on the actions required and by whom, to reset the sector on the path to prosperity, providing guidance for collaboration and coordination among all sector players. 

Every business and every organisation will need to act, often making hard decisions to ensure collectively we learn from the past, respond to the market and challenges of today, while charting the course for tomorrow. Success will only be guaranteed through collaboration and shared responsibility.

The One Grape & Wine Sector Plan is not a ‘set and forget’ exercise, nor does it replace the plans of the past. Rather it provides the critical recalibration for the sector to be able to achieve those goals. The One Grape & Wine Sector Plan is a plan of the time, for the sector, by the sector. 

A plan for the sector, by the sector 

Australian Grape & Wine and Wine Australia thank all the participants for their valuable input and frank feedback, reshaping the Plan to meet the diverse challenges facing the sector, while reflecting the needs and aspirations of the sector. 

The development of the Plan has been controversial and has received both negative and constructive feedback. We are confident the changes align with the feedback received, reflecting the sector’s collective commitment to proactively shape a vibrant future for the Australian grape and wine sector. 

We appreciate the patience as the sector’s feedback has been incorporated. This demonstrates the strong sentiment within the sector to get it right. 

Registrations to attend the One Grape & Wine Sector Plan launch as part of the Wine Industry Update 2024 are now open here.  

For media enquiries please contact or phone 08 8228 2000. 

About Wine Australia

Wine Australia empowers industry success by:

  • investing in Research, Innovation, and Adoption (RI&A)
  • developing and promoting market opportunities, and
  • safeguarding industry reputation and product integrity

Wine Australia aims to help businesses meet the challenges of tomorrow today, improve profitability and sales, and maintain market confidence in the high standards expected of Australian wine. Funded by the sector for the sector, Wine Australia is a collaboration between grapegrowers, winemakers, and the Australian Government to empower industry success.

About Australian Grape & Wine Inc

Australian Grape & Wine Inc is the national association of grape and wine producers. We address issues across the supply-chain that impact on the profitability and sustainability of the sector. We lead and advocate public policy that enhances the ability to responsibly produce, promote and enjoy Australian wine in moderation.

Australian Grape & Wine is recognised as a representative organisation for winegrape and wine producers under the Wine Australia Act 2013, and is incorporated under the SA Associations Incorporation Act 1985. We work in partnership with the Australian Government to develop and implement policy that is in the best interests of winegrape growers and winemakers across Australia.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.