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Growth in all price points for bottled wine as China becomes highest value market

Market Bulletin | Issue 32

25 Oct 2016
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The Wine Australia Export Report for the year ended September 2016, released last week, shows that the value of Australian wine exports has increased by 10 per cent to $2.17 billion in the last 12 months.

This growth was largely supported by wine exported in bottles. Bottled exports grew by 14 per cent to $1.8 billion and the average value of bottled exports increased by 9 per cent to $5.47 per litre, a 13-year high.

The value of bottled wine exports increased at every price point, including the $10 and above segment that grew by 28 per cent to a record $547 million.

Table: Bottled wine exports by price segment

Price segment (A$/litre) Value Added Value Growth Rate
$2.49 and under $36 554 355 $4 155 392 13%
$2.50 - 4.99 $758 582 440 $44 716 954 6%
$5.00 - 7.49 $273 056 149  $42 904 392 19%
$7.50 - 9.99 $142 915 232 $6 013 466  4%
$10.00 - 14.99 $162 962 224 $25 578 623 19%
$15.00 - 19.99 $82 641 623 $16 148 651 24%
$20.00 - 29.99 $77 931 974 $21 433 847 38%
$30.00 - 49.99 $49 670 038 $17 660 234 55%
$50.00 - 99.99 $129 852 782  $34 595 953 36%
$100.00 - 199.99 $11 415 300 $1 826 012 19%
$200 + $32 729 272 $4 352 522 15%
Total bottled $1 758 311 390 $219 386 045 14%

All export regions recorded growth in the last year, except for Europe, which declined by 3 per cent to $570 million. Northeast Asia is now our number one export region, growing by $177 million (35 per cent) to $678 million. North America was up by $21 million (3 per cent) to $639 million, while Southeast Asia grew by $15 million (11 per cent) to $152 million.

Mainland China has now surpassed the United States as Australia’s number one destination by value, growing by 51 per cent to $474 million. Contributing to the exceptional growth are the trade benefits of the China–Australia Free Trade Agreement and the growing Chinese middle class’ increased interest in wine.

More than a third of Australian wine exports priced $10 and more per litre FOB were destined for China (valued at $190 million and up by 63 per cent).

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.