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AWRI launches 'eBook' library

20 Mar 2015
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The Australian Wine Research Institute's (AWRI) new 'eBook' library, aimed at making information resources more accessible, is now available to all industry levy payers via the AWRI website through AGWA funding

Currently, there are 37 eBooks in the collection and the AWRI’s Library and Information Services Coordinator, Michael Downie, says that number is growing, with new eBooks purchased and added to the library on a regular basis.

The subject areas covered include viticulture (Botrytis: biology, pathology and control by Yigal Elad and co-authors), winemaking (Authentic Wine: toward natural and sustainable winemaking by Jamie Goode and Sam Harrop MW) and wine marketing (Wine and identity: branding, heritage, terrior by Matt Harvey, Leanne White and Warwick Frost).

The collection is available to all Australian levy payers and is accessed using levy payers’ existing AWRI website login details. Those who don’t have a login or who have forgotten their password can easily setup a new login.

After that it is a simple process of viewing the eBook list and selecting a title to view or 'borrow' eBooks can be read on screen or downloaded to a desktop computer or a mobile device. A short tutorial on YouTube is provided to help new users get started.

Downie said that in making its first purchases for the library the AWRI had focused on materials that were practical rather than research-focused.

'We want to provide for industry and in particular for people who can’t come in and borrow hard copy resources,” he said. “We do post out books but this is just so much more accessible. The idea has been in the works for some time.'

For further information about eBooks or to submit suggestions on eBooks to add to the collection, please contact the AWRI Information Services Team.

This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.