Japan and South Korea Market Updates 2024
About the report
On 10 April 2024, Austrade and Wine Australia hosted a webinar covering market conditions, opportunities and upcoming activities for Japan and Korea. This 70 minute webinar provided wineries and producers with an understanding of the current state of the market, opportunities and challenges for Australian wine, local trade insights and cultural aspects, and upcoming activities.
Report summary
The slide decks provide information on:
- the business environment – economic challenges and alcohol sales
- opportunities and challenges for Australian wine
- overcoming the cultural barriers to doing business in these markets, and
- the 2024 calendar of activities in Japan and Korea.
The presentations were prepared by Austrade and Wine Australia from a variety of sources including the Japan National Tax Administration Agency, WANDS, customs data, Wine Australia export data, Wine Intelligence, Decanter World Wine Awards 2023, Bank of Korea, World Bank, IMF, and ABS.
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