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Juice treatments

There are some techniques you can adopt in the vineyard and/or the winery to reduce the level of taint in wine made from smoke-affected fruit. However, even if you combine multiple approaches, you are unlikely to eliminate the expression of smoke taint compounds in the final wine, particularly if the grapes have had high exposure to smoke.

It’s also worth remembering that juice is far more forgiving than wine, when it comes to smoke taint removal treatments. White juice is also easier to remediate than red juice due to the lack of skin contact and the resultant wine styles you’re aiming for.

Removing smoke compounds from juice with activated carbon

Activated carbon is frequently used in water treatment plants to remove organic contaminants from drinking water. It can also be used to adsorb the undesirable chemical compounds which cause smoke taint from grape juice. 

Limitations – activated carbons are non-selective. They can also remove colour, flavour and aroma compounds. Choosing the correct type and dose of carbon product for fining is critically important.

Important – test various options on small batches of juice to ensure the depth of colour and sensory characteristics you are wanting are not adversely affected by the carbon treatment.

Grape juice - review research findings of activated carbon treatment.

What else can I do with juice to reduce smoke taint?

You could consider diluting smoke-affected juice with much larger quantities of unaffected juice. The dilution required will depend on the level of smoke compounds in the affected juice, as well as the sensory characteristics of the unaffected juice. You’ll need to try out various small batch combinations to identify the ideal blend.

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What if my juice is too tainted to use?

Other wineries

Some varieties and wine styles will ‘mask’ smoke taint better than others. Whilst a particular style of wine may not fit with your brand’s range, it may be something that works for another winery. Consider calling around to sound them out.


If your options are limited because your winery’s target market is boutique or premium, consider calling wine-making colleagues at larger wineries who blend for a different market. They may be able to purchase what you can’t use.


Some distillers will use smoke-affected juice or wine to manufacture base spirit for gins, fortified wines or industrial use. Whether they will pay for it and how much, will depend on the distiller. Getting to know your local distillers and finding out early in the season if and in what condition they will accept any juice or wine you are unable to use, may be helpful if you need their support at short notice.

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Take care of yourself

Trying to make the best of a difficult situation which has serious implications for your business can be stressful.

A calmer, clearer head will help you see a way forward. Talk to your friends and colleagues, and if you’re not sure where to turn next please reach out for professional support.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.