Straddling the Murray River in north-west Victoria and western New South Wales, the Murray Darling is a vast region. Combined with Swan-Hill immediately to the South-East, it is the third-largest winegrowing region in Australia after the Riverland (South Australia) and Riverina (New South Wales). Although the distance between the eastern and western extremity of the region is in excess of 350 kilometres (217 miles), the climate throughout is virtually identical
It is hot, with long sunshine hours, low humidity and negligible growing season rainfall. The GI is 25,578 km2 in size and has a total of 16,068 hectares of vineyards. The main varieties grown in the region are Chardonnay, Shiraz, and Cabernet Sauvignon.
By far the most important premium product of the region. The wines have a fruity softness and generosity and are represent great value for money.
Alternative Varieties
Although the Murray areas are a major source of economically priced wines, several wineries are striking success by planting varieties from across the Mediterranean that are perfectly suited to the warm climate of the Murray Darling.

- Although the distance between the eastern and western extremity of the region is in excess of 350 kilometres (217 miles), the climate throughout is virtually identical. It is hot, with long sunshine hours, low humidity and negligible growing season rainfall, making irrigation essential.
- The Continental influence is strong, with high shifts in diurnal temperature ranges, but these shifts are insufficient to make spring frosts a problem. Disease pressures are also low.

- The soil is unique to the Murray River system and is known technically as calcareous earth, ranging from brown to red-brown loamy sand, sandy loam or loam.
- The surface is neutral to moderately alkaline with increasing alkalinity at depth as textures become more clayey and calcareous.
- Overall, the soil supports the vigorous growth and high grape yields.