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Top 10 tips for effective spraying

11 Sep 2015
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Use these top 10 tips for when spraying to improve the efficacy of your spray program this season.

1. Check your equipment

Make sure your equipment is ready to go before the spray season gets underway. This includes a thorough check over of all bearings, tank condition and ensuring all lines and filters have been cleaned and flushed.

2. Spray program review

Review last year’s pest and disease monitoring results and spray program and ascertain if control was adequate. Consider spray timing and coverage as well as chemicals when making any changes to the program.

3. Spray calibration

Your sprayer should be calibrated to suit the canopy prior to each spray. For more information on selecting and changing nozzles (air blast) watch this video here, and for information on measuring liquid flow (output) watch this video here.

4. Adjust air volume

Modify your sprayer air volume during the season to match canopy size. Air should allow the spray onto the canopy rather than passing through the canopy into the adjoining row. Air direction should be adjusted to minimise spray loss above the canopy.

5. Check coverage

Water sensitive papers, fluorescent dye or particle film technology (sunscreen) are simple and easy ways to assess spray coverage. If required, change sprayer output, nozzle size and direction to get the best coverage possible.

6. Follow label directions

Agrochemical labels contain information on how to safely apply the product. Recommendations in the AWRI’s ‘Dogbook’, found online here or via the app, will ensure you comply with maximum residue limits for international wine markets.

7. Avoid off-target spray

Be aware of sensitive areas (e.g. public roads, dams, neighbours) and avoid spray drift by reducing fan speed, turning off sprayer on downwind side or waiting for wind direction to blow away from sensitive area.

8. Water quality

Ensure the quality of water you’re mixing agrochemicals with is good enough, especially turbidity and pH.

9. Tank mixes

Before tank mixing multiple agrochemicals, including foliar nutrients, consult the manufacturer or on-seller for guidance.

10. Avoid resistance

Apply agrochemicals as per label instructions to avoid vineyard pest and disease resistance. The AWRI ‘dogbook’ has recommendations to avoid resistance. If you suspect that you may have a resistance issue, contact the AWRI helpdesk on (08) 8313 6600 or

More information

Click here for more information on spray application and watch our principles of spray application video here.

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